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Feed в Афинах

33 объявления
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Кормовые добавки для КРС и птицы
Кормовые добавки для КРС и птицы - фото 1
Кормовые добавки для КРС и птицы - фото 2
+2 фото
Кормовые добавки для КРС и птицы - фото 3
Оптовая цена
от 150 €/т FCA
The Belarusian manufacturer suggests considering cooperation on the following items of goods: Feed additives for cattle and poultry: - granulated beet pulp (melasated) - HS 2309 - sunflower cake, rapeseed, soy (shell), protein 32+ - HS 2306 - sunflower meal, rapeseed, soy (granulated), protein 38+
31 мар 2024
Продажа разных зерновых культур(пшеница, кукуруза, соя и т. д)
1 €/шт
Ищем новых клиентов в Европе для одноразовых и длительных поставок. Есть возможность доставки. Для качественного и продуктивного общения от Вас требуется заявка с указанием желаемого продукта, количества, базиса и условий поставки, цена и предложение по оплате. К рассмотрению предлагаются
+1 объявление
12 мая 2023
Cake from the manufacturer
Цена по запросу
Linseed and rapeseed cake, feed concentrate of the embryo of corn. Manufacturer Производим кормовой концентрат зародыша кукурузы, а также жмых рапсовый и льняной.
+2 объявления
8 июн 2021
Food equipment. Lavash line
Food equipment. Lavash line - фото 1
Food equipment. Lavash line - фото 2
+3 фото
Food equipment. Lavash line - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Lavash lıne technıcal specıfıcatıons Lavash dough feedıng 3 pıeces of dough oepnıng cylınder Dough strechıng – enlergıng band Dough restıng – cuttıng - recyclıng Tunnel owen Lavash restıng – coolıng band Capacıty per hour 8000 pıeces lavash Mertem&Anko food ındustry technologıes Cont.:
+1 объявление
21 окт 2019
1 €/шт
MANUFACTURER, offers products of its own production, HARVING 2021: 1) ● UNREFINED rapeseed oil (technical) ● UNREFINED linseed oil (food and industrial) ● corn oil UNREFINED (edible) ● UNREFINED sunflower oil - 1st grade 2) ● rapeseed cake ● linseed cake ● sunflower cake ● corn germ feed
+2 объявления
8 июн 2021
Wheat Feed Ukraine Origin
Wheat Feed Ukraine Origin - фото 1
Wheat Feed Ukraine Origin - фото 2
Wheat Feed Ukraine Origin - фото 3
1 €/т FOB
Product: -Wheat Feed, Сrop 2023. -Ukrainian Origin. -EU Standard. Quality: - Moisture 14.0% max. - Test weight 72 kg/hl min. - Protein (on dry bss) 9+% min. - Foreign Matter 2.0% max. - Bugs damaged 2.0% max. - Total Aflatoxins as per EU Reg. Condition: Sound, loyal, merchantable. Free from
24 янв
Automatic feed roller table with skidder WSR7001
Automatic feed roller table with skidder WSR7001 - фото 1
Automatic feed roller table with skidder WSR7001 - фото 2
Automatic feed roller table with skidder WSR7001 - фото 3
11 400 €/шт EXW
Automatic feed roller table with skidder WSR7001 Do you still saw PVC profiles by hand at your company? What if this process can be optimized to achieve maximum accuracy and simplicity for the employee? The sawing center carries out sawing of PVC profiles in an easy-to-control automatic mode. The
+1 объявление
23 янв 2024
Feed Barley
160 $/т  
опт 152 - 153 $/т
Products: Feed Barley Origin: Russia Quantity: 50000 M/T per month Packing : Polyprophelene Bag 50 kg, In bulk Price: 152 $/t FOB port Novorossiysk
27 фев 2018
Animal feed 48% Protein Soybean Meal /Quality Soyabeans Soy beans Meal
2.50 €/кг DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Soybean Meal Soybean meal is the product remaining after extracting most of the oil from whole soybeans. The oil may be removed by solvent extraction or by an expeller process in which the beans are heated and squeezed. The nutrient composition of the oil
+2 объявления
15 фев 2024
160 $/т FCA
Price: (FCA USD) - 160 $ \ ton. Minimum order quantity: 20 tons. Payment terms: US dollar, euro. Composition: alfalfa - 40%, barley - 40%, wheat straw - 19%, salt - 1%. The product is certified. The offered products are fully consistent with high international quality. Export - import wholesale
19 июл 2021
I will sell feed corn from 1000 tons on FOB Reni, Izmail.
Оптовая цена
от 1 €/т FOB
I will sell feed corn from 1000 tons on FOB Reni, Izmail. Quality, price on request. Direct foreign exchange contract. Vladimir
6 ноя 2023
Оптовая цена
173 - 195 $/т FOB
We, Alex Konsors and Inna Kharyk under signed, as Director of LLC «Smart Agro Invest» and «Trading 4 You» Ltd with Full Corporate and legal responsibility and authority under penalty of perjury, with preserving rights and defenses, hereby place the full corporate offer herewith named products
25 июн 2018
Συμπλήρωμα ζωοτροφών PMVS DYVO pigs superstart 35%
0.81 €/кг
DYVO pigs superstart 35% Πρόσθετο ζωοτροφών πρωτεϊνών, βιταμινών και ανόργανων συστατικών. - Ιδανική πρωτεϊνική, ενεργειακή εξισορρόπηση των ζωοτροφών - Ευκολία χρήσης (35-15 %) - Βέλτιστη μετατροπή ζωοτροφών Η πρόσθετη ύλη πρωτεϊνών, βιταμινών και ανόργανων συστατικών ζωοτροφών 35-15% είναι ένα
16 дек 2022
Purification of glycerin (equipment)
Цена по запросу
Until recently, there were essentially only two types of glycerin on the world market: 1) Raw glycerin 30-80% (dark brown liquid, often with a distinctive odor) - this is crude crude glycerin with a high amount of impurities, including organic origin 2) Food- or pharmaceutical glycerin 95-99% is
2 дек 2024
Wheat Straw
100 €/т
Crude Protein: 18.7% Digestible Energy (DE): 1.02 Mcal/lb Lingnin: 5.6% Crude Fiber: 34.4% Starch: 2.2% Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC): 13% Relative Feed Value (RFV): 159 Calcium: 1.12% Phosphorus: .21% Ca:P Ratio: 5.3:1 Bale weight: 90-100lbs Number of stings: 3
+2 объявления
16 окт 2024
Line for filling croissants, eclairs, profiteroles
Line for filling croissants, eclairs, profiteroles - фото 1
Line for filling croissants, eclairs, profiteroles - фото 2
Line for filling croissants, eclairs, profiteroles - фото 3
Оптовая цена
12 500 - 50 000 €/Set (set) FCA
Dispenser for filling in croissants, eclairs, profiteroles. The equipment is intended for automatic filling of confectionery products (croissants, eclairs, profiteroles, donations, etc.). Depending on the design, the dispenser can fill from eight to twenty products simultaneously in one cycle,
2 янв 2024
Industrial Printing System TPS.
23 000 €/шт
Trade Industrial Company AB is a polish manufacturer of modern professional equipment trusted by professionals in 51 countries worldwide. Industrial printer Ticab Printing System TPS for inkjet large format contactless full-color CMYK printing. OUR ADVANTAGES : 1) printing from 1 pc to 50 units
29 ноя 2023
Crushing and Screening Plant
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 1
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 2
+8 фото
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 3
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *ınstallation and operator training free Fabo company manufactures and installs high quality stationary type stone crushing and screening plants according to customer requirements. Production capacity and type of used
+3 объявления
8 ноя 2023
+10 фото
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *Installation and Operator Training FREE FABO manufactures and installs stationary type stone crushing and screening plants according to customer requirements. Production capacity of our stationary plants differs from100 to
4 фев 2022
Dies for pellet mills, pellet press
1 500 €/шт
LTD «UKRBIO TRANS-SERVIS» - company with 10 years of experience on market for supply and production of high-quality equipment for pelletizing offers dies of European manufacturer for all types of pellet mills and for all raw materials: wood, animal feed, sunflower husk, bran, straw, droppings etc.
+2 объявления
11 мая 2021
Dry brewer's yeast
1 €/т EXW
Dry brewer's yeast is a unique product that contains up to 40-55% of high-quality, complete, easily digestible protein, which includes 17 essential amino acids, most of which are essential. It contains vitamins D, F, E, K, group B, biotin, minerals - magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, copper,
6 фев 2019
Alfalfa cubes
100 €/т
Crude Protein: 18.7% Digestible Energy (DE): 1.02 Mcal/lb Lingnin: 5.6% Crude Fiber: 34.4% Starch: 2.2% Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC): 13% Relative Feed Value (RFV): 159 Calcium: 1.12% Phosphorus: .21% Ca:P Ratio: 5.3:1 Bale weight: 90-100lbs Number of stings: 3
+2 объявления
16 окт 2024
Quality Wood Pellet Din Plus / EN Plus-A1 Wood Pellet.
200 €/т DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Descriptions: Wood pellets are a renewable resource, the fuel that is already widely available in the world nowadays. The wood shavings are compressed under great pressure and forced through holes. This is a hot process and the natural lignin in the
+2 объявления
13 окт 2024
Automatic station for cutting window sills WS1001
Automatic station for cutting window sills WS1001 - фото 1
Automatic station for cutting window sills WS1001 - фото 2
+2 фото
Automatic station for cutting window sills WS1001 - фото 3
18 450 €/шт EXW
Automatic station for cutting window sills WS1001 Unique center for cutting window sills automates this process as much as possible, the operator All that remains is to lay the window sill on the machine and remove cut window sill. Grab feeds window sill to the saw and a cut of the required size is
+1 объявление
23 янв 2024
Crushing and Screening Plant
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 1
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 2
+8 фото
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 3
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *ınstallation and operator training free Fabo mjk series are mobile type jaw crushing plants that is suitable for especially hard and abrasive stones and other type of stones with hardness level is high such as basalt,
+3 объявления
9 окт 2023
Sale of various grain crops (wheat, corn, soy, etc. )
1 €/шт
We are looking for new customers in Europe for one-time and long-term deliveries. Delivery is possible. For high-quality and productive communication, you need an application indicating the desired product, quantity, basis and terms of delivery, price and payment offer. The following grain crops
+1 объявление
12 мая 2023
Pellet mill, pellet press
Pellet mill, pellet press - фото 1
Pellet mill, pellet press - фото 2
Pellet mill, pellet press - фото 3
12 000 €/шт
LTD «UKRBIO TRANS-SERVIS» offers high-quality pellet mills by domestic production, specially designed for the trademark PSP (Republic of Poland) with the varying productive capacity (from 250 kg to 4t/h) for processing waste of wood, animal feed, sunflower husk, bran, straw, droppings etc. PSP
+2 объявления
11 мая 2021
Alfalfa Hay for sale
100 €/т
Crude Protein: 18.7% Digestible Energy (DE): 1.02 Mcal/lb Lingnin: 5.6% Crude Fiber: 34.4% Starch: 2.2% Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC): 13% Relative Feed Value (RFV): 159 Calcium: 1.12% Phosphorus: .21% Ca:P Ratio: 5.3:1 Bale weight: 90-100lbs Number of stings: 3
+2 объявления
16 окт 2024
Premium Quality Private Label Natural Sunflower Cooking Oil,
15 €/л DAP
Key Specifications/ Special Features: Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil pressed from the seeds of sunflower. Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as frying oil, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. 100% Refined Sunflower Oil Specifications Physical properties 1. Appearance: No
+2 объявления
6 мар 2024
Crushing and Screening Plant
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 1
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 2
+12 фото
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 3
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *ınstallation and operator training free Fabo manufactures and installs stationary type stone crushing and screening plants according to customer requirements. Production capacity of our stationary plants differs from 100 to
+3 объявления
9 окт 2023
1 €/шт
MANUFACTURER, offers products of its own production, HARVING 2021: 1) ● UNREFINED rapeseed oil (technical) ● UNREFINED linseed oil (food and industrial) ● corn oil UNREFINED (edible) ● UNREFINED sunflower oil - 1st grade 2) ● rapeseed cake ● linseed cake ● sunflower cake ● corn germ feed
+2 объявления
8 июн 2021
Pellet press, granulation line, pellet mill
Pellet press, granulation line, pellet mill - фото 1
Pellet press, granulation line, pellet mill - фото 2
+1 фото
Pellet press, granulation line, pellet mill - фото 3
12 000 €/шт
LTD «UKRBIO TRANS-SERVIS» offers: • High-quality pellet mills by domestic production, specially designed for the trademark PSP (Republic of Poland) with the varying productive capacity (from 250 kg to 4t/h) for processing waste of wood, animal feed, sunflower husk, bran, straw, droppings etc.;
+2 объявления
11 мая 2021
Crushing and Screening Plant
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 1
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 2
+12 фото
Crushing and Screening Plant - фото 3
Цена по запросу
*All of our products are made with care and covered for 1 year warranty! *ınstallation and operator training free Fabo mck-115 is the biggest model of mck series, those are a mobile type & closed circuit crushing and screening plants that is used for processing of hard materials such as basalt,
+3 объявления
9 окт 2023
Найдены объявления в радиусе 310 км от Афин
Lavash lıne. Turkey
Lavash lıne. Turkey - фото 1
Lavash lıne. Turkey - фото 2
+3 фото
Lavash lıne. Turkey - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Lavash lıne technıcal specıfıcatıons Lavash dough feedıng 3 pıeces of dough oepnıng cylınder Dough strechıng – enlergıng band Dough restıng – cuttıng - recyclıng Tunnel owen Lavash restıng – coolıng band Capacıty per hour 8000 pıeces lavash Mertem&Anko food ındustry technologıes Cont.:
+1 объявление
21 окт 2019
Refined Vegetable Oil
1 000 €/Metric Ton CIF
Pure and Natural goodness Rich in Vitamin E GMO Free Cholesterol Free No Artificial Additives or Preservatives Trans Fat Free *Specifications* %free fatty acids (ffa): Max 0.1 % ash (*): Max.0.05 Saponification value:190.32 koh/g. Of oil Iodine value:134.13 (wijs-hanus method) Peroxide:0.2 meq/KG.
24 июн 2024
Пшеница мягкая, пшеница твердая, кукурузу фуражная
250 $/т DAP
Good day, we offer you hard, soft wheat, feed corn, flour. Production of the Republic of Kazakhstan. FOB or CIF price. In all directions we calculate individually. Extensive work experience. We look forward to collaborating.
14 июл 2020
Printing System Ticab-Print TPS
Printing System Ticab-Print TPS - фото 1
Printing System Ticab-Print TPS - фото 2
+6 фото
Printing System Ticab-Print TPS - фото 3
23 000 €/шт EXW
BoxmakingMachinery's BM300 printheads are an innovative, cantilevered design that allows you to feed bulk materials under the printhead. The printhead can be raised up to 30 cm above the ribbon to feed directly onto mounted cartons or other thick materials. The printhead can also be connected to a
+1 объявление
3 фев
Μηχάνημα σφράγισης αρμών με άσφαλτο BPM500
Μηχάνημα σφράγισης αρμών με άσφαλτο BPM500 - фото 1
Μηχάνημα σφράγισης αρμών με άσφαλτο BPM500 - фото 2
+8 фото
Μηχάνημα σφράγισης αρμών με άσφαλτο BPM500 - фото 3
43 340 €/шт EXW
Сrack sealing machine BPM-500 is used for sealing cracks, seams and waterproofing, as well as for repair and construction works on roads with the use of bitumen-elastomeric sealing mastic. Specially designed sleeve fastening system, which significantly reduces the likelihood of its
+1 объявление
3 фев
Used Cooking Oil For Sale
300 €/т
Our Used Cooking Oil (UCO) is an eco-friendly, cost-effective solution for biodiesel production, animal feed, and industrial applications. Sourced from trusted suppliers, our UCO is thoroughly filtered to remove impurities, ensuring high quality for reuse. By opting for used cooking oil, businesses
30 окт 2024
Wheat Straw
100 €/т
Crude Protein: 18.7% Digestible Energy (DE): 1.02 Mcal/lb Lingnin: 5.6% Crude Fiber: 34.4% Starch: 2.2% Non-Structural Carbohydrates (NSC): 13% Relative Feed Value (RFV): 159 Calcium: 1.12% Phosphorus: .21% Ca:P Ratio: 5.3:1 Bale weight: 90-100lbs Number of stings: 3
+2 объявления
7 фев
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