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Grains в Афинах

18 объявлений
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18 объявлений
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Зерно - пшеница, кукуруза, ячмень, просо, овес, рожь | Grain
Цена по запросу
Grain - wheat, corn, barley, millet, oats, rye in bulk, we sell from Ukraine with delivery to your country. Indicators: Wheat Moisture 12, gluten 24, weediness 0.5, 0.4, and up to 2 Corn Moisture up to 14.5, weed up to 2.5. Quality is better, we are ready to offer. Years 2017, 2018, 2019. You can
25 июн 2021
Продам кукурузу
Оптовая цена
от 180 €/т
Компания продает зерновые на условиях CIF любой порт мира, оплата SBLC, по вопросам цен и условий работы обращайтесь по телефону к нашему специалисту The company sells grains on a CIF basis to any port in the world, payment is SBLC, for questions about prices and working conditions, please call
7 мая 2024
1 €/шт
MANUFACTURER, offers products of its own production, HARVING 2021: 1) ● UNREFINED rapeseed oil (technical) ● UNREFINED linseed oil (food and industrial) ● corn oil UNREFINED (edible) ● UNREFINED sunflower oil - 1st grade 2) ● rapeseed cake ● linseed cake ● sunflower cake ● corn germ feed
+1 объявление
8 июн 2021
Цена по запросу
LTD “Agro-Alliance”, founded in 2010, is one of the leading Ukrainian group for exports of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives. We suggest the delivery of all kinds of grains, oilseeds and their derivatives to any place of the world on conditions: CPT, DAP, CIF, FOB, CFR. We are constantly
4 июн 2018
Αεροδυναμικό ISM-5 διαχωριστή κόκκων grain separator
Αεροδυναμικό ISM-5 διαχωριστή κόκκων grain separator - фото 1
Αεροδυναμικό ISM-5 διαχωριστή κόκκων grain separator - фото 2
+12 фото
Αεροδυναμικό ISM-5 διαχωριστή κόκκων grain separator - фото 3
1 €/шт DAP
Το εργοστάσιο καθαρισμού σιτηρών Kharkiv παράγει ανυπόφορους αεροδυναμικούς διαχωριστές για καθαρισμό κόκκων και προετοιμασία σπόρων ISM (ISM) με χωρητικότητα 3 έως 200 τόνων / ώρα Σκοπός του διαχωριστή ISM-5: Το πιο δημοφιλές μεταξύ των διαχωριστών ISM είναι το μοντέλο ISM-5 (ISM-5). Πρόκειται
18 мая 2023
Sale of various grain crops (wheat, corn, soy, etc. )
1 €/шт
We are looking for new customers in Europe for one-time and long-term deliveries. Delivery is possible. For high-quality and productive communication, you need an application indicating the desired product, quantity, basis and terms of delivery, price and payment offer. The following grain crops
12 мая 2023
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS
170 €/шт
DDGS (Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles ) 35%. Corn DDGS is a by-product of the alcohol industry. It is obtained in the production of bioethanol, which is used as a fuel additive. It can also be a partial replacement for soy flour or other protein sources. Soluble Dehydrated Grains (DDGS) are a
18 авг 2022
Yellow Corn Ukraina Origin
Yellow Corn Ukraina Origin - фото 1
Yellow Corn Ukraina Origin - фото 2
Yellow Corn Ukraina Origin - фото 3
1 €/т FOB
Product: -Yellow Corn. -Ukrainian Origin. -EU Standard. Quality: - Humidity no more than 14.5%. - Foreign impurities no more than 2%. - Broken grains no more than 5%. - Damaged grains no more than 5%. - Aflatoxin B1 not more than 20 parts per billion. 1. Delivery terms: FOB Ukraina, any
24 янв
Selling red millet 3000t. on FCA
1 €/т FCA  
опт от 1 €/т
Selling red millet 3000t. on FCA Ukraine terms, humidity 13.1 grade - 1.9 grain - 3.2., wagons are loaded. Photo, price location on request. (viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)
3 дек 2024
Wood pellets pellets Manufacturer EXPORT
Wood pellets pellets Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 1
Wood pellets pellets Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 2
+2 фото
Wood pellets pellets Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 3
125 €/т FCA  
опт от 125 €/т
We offer wood pellets (pellets) Raw material 100% pine Diameter 6 mm Ash content up to 0,5% Humidity up to 6,5% Heat of combustion 4.73 kWh/kg For industrial enterprises, warehouses, grain dryers, bakeries and other large customers we pack pellets in soft polypropylene containers (big-bags) of 1
+1 объявление
22 июн 2024
Potato Chips Production Machine 720 pcs/h
10 300 $/шт FOB
Potato Chips Production Machine 720 pcs/h   On such equipment, it is possible to produce products of three types, depending on the equipment setting: tartlets, biscuits, and crispbreads. It is very tasty for customers to add glazing to such products with chocolate, yogurt, jelly or sweet. This
29 мар 2023
Wheat flour premium (top, highest, high quality) grade/class
Цена по запросу
The premium (top, highest, high quality) flour is wheat flour, which consists of particles of endosperm, finely ground (0.1-0.2 mm), with predominantly endosperm of the inner layers. You can distinguish it in the following way: if you rub several fingers, you will not feel any grains. Wheat flour
+1 объявление
26 янв 2023
Wheat flour best grade FCA europe
0.22 €/шт FCA
Volume - 50000t Delivery type - FCA/DDP/EXW/CIF Wheat flour, produced by LLC "Mulino", has a strong gluten and smoothed particle size distribution and good baking properties. Products made her have a good volume and a fine-developed porosity. Flour from the "Mulino" - light, thin, white with a
29 окт 2022
Blacksulfur (liquid mineral & organik fertilizers)
Цена по запросу
Liquid mineral & organik fertilizers) in different volume packaging. • Enchases root developing. • Developes tillering and grain filling. • Supports reducing the effects of high pH due to ingredient of sulphur. • Eliminates the deficiency of organic matter and humic acid. • Provides resistance
2 ноя 2020
Оптовая цена
173 - 195 $/т FOB
We, Alex Konsors and Inna Kharyk under signed, as Director of LLC «Smart Agro Invest» and «Trading 4 You» Ltd with Full Corporate and legal responsibility and authority under penalty of perjury, with preserving rights and defenses, hereby place the full corporate offer herewith named products
25 июн 2018
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 1
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 2
+2 фото
Wood pellets pellet Manufacturer EXPORT - фото 3
125 €/т FCA  
опт от 125 €/т
We offer wood pellets (pellet) Raw material 100% pine Diameter 6 mm Ash content up to 0,5% Humidity up to 6,5% Heat of combustion 4.73 kWh/kg For industrial enterprises, warehouses, grain dryers, bakeries and other large customers we pack pellets in soft polypropylene containers (big-bags) of 1
+1 объявление
22 июн 2024
Sell Wheat flour first grade/class
Цена по запросу
Wheat flour first grade/class is very popular among modern housewives. Its distinctive features include the presence of a small amount of ground shells of grains. By the way the number should not be more than 4%. Such an impurity has a direct effect on the color of the flour, since it has a
+1 объявление
26 янв 2023
1 €/шт
MANUFACTURER, offers products of its own production, HARVING 2021: 1) ● UNREFINED rapeseed oil (technical) ● UNREFINED linseed oil (food and industrial) ● corn oil UNREFINED (edible) ● UNREFINED sunflower oil - 1st grade 2) ● rapeseed cake ● linseed cake ● sunflower cake ● corn germ feed
+1 объявление
8 июн 2021
Найдены объявления в радиусе 310 км от Афин
Aerodynamic grain separator
20 €/шт  
опт от 20 €/шт
The company-manufacturer offers the Aerodynamic grain separator. Separator makes cleaning and calibration of cereals, legumes, vegetables, melons, fodder crops, as well as all kinds of loose mixtures. Primary cleaning is designed to remove dust and partially remove non-grain waste, which allows
4 ноя 2019
Ukrainian grain broker services
Цена по запросу
Broker offers marketing and mediation services that include: • Market research, direct marketing; • Consulting services; • Daily information on prices; • Search for goods, request for prices and data for purchase; • Inquiries, negotiations, study of supply and demand; • Study of the product
15 янв 2024
120 €/т CIF
There are several varieties of basmati rice. Traditional Indian types include basmati 370, basmati 385, and basmati Ranbirsinghpura (R. S. Pura) and Extra Long Grain Rice. Pakistani varieties of basmati rice are PK 385, Super Kernel Basmati Rice and D-98.
23 сен 2021
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