Без опыта работы. Образование: State university of infrastructure and technologies, Navigation and ship's handling , Kyiv 2020 - 2024, I am executive person without bad habits, not addicted to alcohol and drugs. My hobby is a sport, I like bodybuilding and swimming.
Hlopin A., 27 лет, Салоники | Неполное высшее образование
полная занятость
Опыт работы: 2 года, Swimming coach, Magneto, Zebra, AQUASTAR, Moscow. Образование: MGAFK, Плавание , Moscow 2015 - 2017, • Кey skills: _____Knowledge of languages:
Russian - native language Greek - advanced
English - Intermediate
• Skills: 1. Freediving
2. Master of Sport in open water swimming
3. Master of Sport in swimming experience at...